Figuring out how to cite online business sources according to APA Style can be confusing. To make things a little easier, we've provided some sample citations along with the APA Style guidelines used to create them.
In-Text Citations: The APA Formatting and Style Guide from Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) offers formatting guidelines and examples of in-text citations. The section on In-Text Citations: The Basics covers punctuation, short and long quotations, and summary and paraphrase examples, and the section on In-Text Citations: Author/Authors covers citing an author or authors (multiple authors, no author, two or more works by the same author, etc.) as well as citing indirect sources, electronic sources, and sources without page numbers.
This PDF guide to formatting electronic references in APA Style is adapted from the Publication Manual of the APA (6th ed.). It outlines key elements for referencing electronic sources, especially the digital object identifier (DOI).
Access: All access requires a UW-Madison NetID to log in. You must be a current UW-Madison faculty member, student, or staff to use this database either on or off-campus.
Online guide to formatting in-text citations and references according to APA Style.
Access: Available to everyone.
APA Guidelines:
Journal article with DOI
Aubert, C., & Reynaud, A. (2005). The impact of regulation on cost efficiency: An empirical analysis of Wisconsin water utilities. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 23(3), 383-409. doi:
Journal article without DOI
Collins, D. (1996). Serving the homeless and low-income communities through business & society/business ethics class projects: The University of Wisconsin-Madison plan. Journal of Business Ethics, 15(1), 67-85. Retrieved from
Magazine or trade publication article
Cernivec, S. (2014, April). The heart of beer: Specialty malts add variety to craft beer. Beverage Industry, 105(4), 54. Retrieved from
Newspaper article
Harding, R. (2014, June 30). The productivity puzzle. Financial Times. Retrieved from
To cite sources that are not articles, such as blog posts, data files, dissertations, industry reports, newsletters, tweets, websites, and white papers, please see the examples below:
APA Guidelines:
Report, individual author
Hamilton, R. (2013). Germany business forecast report - Q4 2013 [BMI industry report]. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Complete database.
Report, group or corporate author
Business Monitor International. (2014). Egypt shipping report - Q4 2014. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Complete database.
GlobalData. (2014, May). Wisconsin electric power company (WEC) - alternative energy - deals and alliances profile (Reference Code GDAE123254D). Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Complete database.
Annual Reports and SEC Filings
Annual report from company website
Netflix. (2014, January 31). Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013. Retrieved from
Target Corporation. (2014, March 14). 2013 annual report. Retrieved from
SEC/EDGAR filings (2014, July 24). Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2014. Retrieved from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website:
Bloomberg Professional
Bloomberg L.P. (n.d.). Wausau Paper Corp quarterly profitability ratios in USD, 03/31/12 to 03/31/14. Retrieved July 31, 2014 from Bloomberg Professional database.
Bloomberg L.P. (n.d.). US dollar swaps (30/360, S/A) curve, last and 1M, 08/28/14 15:02:44 and 07/28/14 [Graph]. Retrieved August 28, 2014 from Bloomberg Professional database.
Report, individual author
Moskowitz, M., & Kim, M. (2014, March 5). IBM: The answer is Watson. What is the newest part of IBM's big data/analytics growth engine? [J.P. Morgan North America Equity Research report]. Retrieved from Bloomberg Professional database.
Business Source Complete
Report, group or corporate author
C. Barnes & Co. (2013). Dairy Products Mfg. Industry (NAICS 31151) [2014 Industry & Market series]. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
IHS. (2014, July 1). Country reports - Ukraine: Economics and country risk. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
MarketLine. (2012, May 18). Apple, Inc. SWOT analysis. (Reference Code 5B0A0C20-9BB6-4284-A575-AC0F2261F45C) [Company profile]. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
Newsletter article, no author
Corporate inversions: potential use of executive authority pending Congressional action. (2014, August 14). Federal Taxes Weekly Alert Newsletter (RIA). Retrieved from
Country Commercial Guides on
Corporate author, government report (HTML version: Specific section of a report)
International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. (2016, April 17). Bulgaria - market overview. In Bulgaria country commercial guide. Retrieved from
HTML version: Specific section of a report, group or corporate author
CountryWatch. (n.d.). Cultural etiquette. In Belgium country review. Retrieved August 19, 2014 from CountryWatch database.
PDF version: Specific section of a report, individual author or editor
Social overview. (2014). In D. Y. Coleman (Ed.), Belgium country review (pp. 154-207). Retrieved from CountryWatch database.
PDF version: Entire report, individual author or editor
Coleman, D. Y. (Ed.). (2014). Belgium country review. Retrieved from CountryWatch database.
D&B Business Browser
Report, group or corporate author
Dun & Bradstreet. (n.d.). Company summary for Kohl's Corporation. Retrieved April 12, 2017 from D&B Business Browser database.
Dun & Bradstreet. (2017, March 31). Ratio comparisons for Kohl's Corporation. Retrieved from D&B Business Browser database.
News & Analysis: Analysts' Reports
Tunick, B. (2017, February 23). Kohl's Corporation - Doing all the right things but traffic remains elusive; Reiterate UP. Retrieved from D&B Business Browser database.
Google Finance and Yahoo Finance
Web page, no author
Financial statements for Harley-Davidson Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved July 31, 2014 from
HOG historical prices, Harley Davidson, Inc. common stock. (n.d.). Retrieved September 2, 2014 from
Report, individual author
Diment, D. (2014, June). IBISWorld industry report 71211: Museums in the US. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.
IMF eLibrary Data
International Monetary Fund. (n.d.). Government finance selected indicators: Albania. In International Financial Statistics (IFS). Retrieved June 10, 2016 from
IndustriusCFO Industry Metrics
IndustriusCFO. (n.d.). Industry metrics four years - NAICS 31183 - tortilla manufacturing. Retrieved April 28, 2016 from IndustriusCFO Industry Metrics database.
Journal article without DOI
Garlock, D. C., & Khalaf, A. N. (2014, July 18). Debt vs. equity: Myths, best practices and practical considerations for U.S. tax aspects of related-party financings. TAXES - The Tax Magazine, 92(8), 37-66. Retrieved from
Mergent Online
Mergent. (n.d.). Johnson Controls Inc company financials as reported annual balance sheet, 09/30/2009 to 09/30/2013. Retrieved August 20, 2014 from Mergent Online database.
Mintel Academic
Report, individual author
O'Donnell, F. (2014, July). Marketing to sports fans - US. Retrieved from Mintel Academic database.
Policy Brief
Report, individual author
Bhaduri, A. (2014, January). What remains of the theory of demand management in a globalizing world? (No. 130, 2014) [Policy brief]. Retrieved from Levy Economics Institute of Bard College website:
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Doctoral dissertation, from a commercial database
Convertino, G. J. (2008). A perspective on current human resources practices by human resource executives at institutions of higher education (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database. (UMI Number: 3329877)
Data set
Infogroup. (2015). U.S. Businesses [Data file]. Retrieved January 28, 2015 from ReferenceUSA database.
Infogroup. (2015). U.S. Consumers / Lifestyles [Data file]. Retrieved January 28, 2015 from ReferenceUSA database.
Simmons OneView
Data set
Simmons Research LLC. (2012). Spring 2012 NCS adult study 12-month [Data file]. Retrieved August 21, 2014 from Simmons OneView database.
Websites, Internet Message Boards, Electronic Mailing Lists, and Social Media
Blog post
Brown, J. M. (2014, September 1). How corporate share buybacks are destroying America [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Blog comment
Ericson, R. (2014, September 1). Re: How corporate share buybacks are destroying America [Blog comment]. Retrieved from
Twitter update or tweet
Yellen, J. [The_Yellen]. (2014, September 2). Why a rising jobless rate will be good for Yellen /1plXn4A [Tweet]. Retrieved from
Web page, group or corporate author
Uber. (n.d.). About Uber. Retrieved September 2, 2014 from
White paper
Report, group or corporate author