Allen County, Indiana Genealogy

November 2, 2023 post by the Indiana Historical Bureau on Facebook :

In her new post for the #IndianaHistoryBlog, Amy Abbott shares how she used historical newspapers to supplement family history and gain a more nuanced sense of the lives of her ancestors. These newspaper clippings allowed her to see, hear, smell, touch and taste the world as those did in another time.

Learn how to access historical newspapers, leverage their indexes, and confirm or refute family lore: The Devil’s in the Details: How to Enhance Storytelling with Historical Newspapers

The Allen County Public Library has past issues of The Journal Gazette newspaper from December 17, 1992 to the present, with some exceptions to library card holders through their Research & Learning page and the ProQuest Super Newsstand.

Microfilm - cross section timeline of newspapers on microfilm

    The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana has local daily and weekly 19th century Newspapers on Microfilmthrough the present time. They also have a two part online Obituary Index with over 780,000 entries. Copies of obituaries are available from their site for a small fee. Obituaries and news items might be the same or different in various daily or weekly newspapers, so it is often worth looking at all of the early newspapers in the library. Newspaper obituaries are available online back to around 2003 on Obituaries are also available online at local funeral home web pages.

HISTORY JOURNAL | July 18, 1947 | Pages from archived editions of The Journal-Gazette (we had a hyphen then) are. Posted by The Journal Gazette on Thursday, August 15, 2019

Screenshot Fort Wayne Sentinel Newspaper Archive

  1. Indiana Newspapers on
  2. The Daily Gazette Fort Wayne, Indiana 1884–1885
  3. Dawson's Fort Wayne Weekly Times Fort Wayne, Indiana 1859–1864
  4. Dawson's Fort Wayne Daily Times Fort Wayne, Indiana 1859–1863
  5. Fort Wayne Daily Gazette Fort Wayne, Indiana 1864–1899
  6. Fort Wayne Daily News Fort Wayne, Indiana 1874–1923
  7. The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette Fort Wayne, Indiana 1873–1923
  8. The Fort Wayne News Fort Wayne, Indiana 1894–1919
  9. The Fort Wayne Sentinel Fort Wayne, Indiana 1870–1923
  10. Fort Wayne Weekly Gazette Fort Wayne, Indiana 1895–1903
  11. Fort Wayne Weekly Journal Fort Wayne, Indiana 1890–1899
  12. Fort Wayne Weekly Journal-Gazette Fort Wayne, Indiana 1899–1914
  13. Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel Fort Wayne, Indiana 1875–1917
  14. The Gazette Fort Wayne, Indiana 1885–1898
  15. The Weekly Sentinel Fort Wayne, Indiana 1896–1916
  16. The Monroeville Breeze Monroeville, Indiana 1884–1940

Some daily and weekly newspapers like the Journal and Gazette merged into The Journal Gazette newspaper currently the morning delivery newspaper and the News and Sentinel in 1918 merged into The News-Sentinel newspaper formerly an afternoon newspaper but in 2017 ceased print publication becoming a couple page insert in the morning newspaper with daily digital delivery before ceasing operations completely. They shared a common building, printing press, and some news articles with separate ownership, the Journal-Gazette is still locally owned. Others like Dawson's Daily or Weekly Times either merged into the previously mentioned newspapers or went out of business.

An excellent article on Allen County newspaper history is Allen County Newspapers: A Short History by Justin Clark published April 18, 2017 on Hoosier State Chronicles Indiana's Digital Historic Newspaper Program .

We have many clippings from historical newspaper on our pages from .

December 7, 2022 post by on Facebook:

Sshared this December 6, 2022 video from Ancestry on Facebook:
Join Crista Cowan for a quick look at how articles from hometown newspapers can add color to your family history. has a few short howto videos on YouTube .

December 21, 2023 post by on Facebook:

Did you know newspaper stories about your ancestors are now hints on your Ancestry® tree? Learn more about the™ Stories and Events Index on our blog!

Celebrating 50 States on the™ Stories & Events Indexes

Newspapers listed in City Directories

  1. 1858: Ft. Wayne Sentinel (weekly)
  2. 1858: Ft. Wayne Times (weekly)
  3. 1858: Ft. Wayne Republician (weekly)
  4. 1858: Indiana Staats Zeitung, (German weekly)


Inspire Lifelong learning library for Hoosiers About page starts with: INSPIRE is a collection of online academic databases and other information resources that can be accessed by Indiana residents. It is also on Facebook. It includes: Hoosier State Chronicles Indiana's Digital Historic Newspaper Program - see blog Accessing Newspapers Via Inspire , see current blog and the Indiana Newspapers list of freely-accessible, historic, digitized Indiana newspapers organized by place of publication . Indiana Memory collection of online photographs. Search Indiana Legacy online databases for birth, marriage, death, divorce, obituaries, court records, newspapers, scrapbooks, yearbooks, military records, and many other record types.

Hoosier State Chronicles

Hoosier State Chronicles

Freie Presse=Staats=Zeitung ad on page 96 in The Griswold-Phelps handbook and guide to Fort Wayne, Indiana, for 1913-1914 by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927, Publication date 1913 on . "The Largest, Brightest and Newsiest German Newspaper in Indiana" Notice on the bottom it states: Fort Wayne's 78,000 population is Sixty per Cent. German.
Is discussed on page 115and image shared February 14, 2023 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook .

Incorporating Newspapers Into Your DNA Research posted Apr 9, 2022 by Allen County Public Library on YouTube
Join senior librarian Elizabeth Hodges where she will share how to combine newspaper research with her DNA research using the case study of her adopted great-grandmother. Handout:

Reconstructing Ancestors’ Lives with Newspapers Premiered Jun 16, 2022 by Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems
Lisa Louise Cooke and Jenny Ashcraft discuss how to use newspapers to fill in the missing stories in your ancestors’ lives. Jenny shares strategic tips on finding unique information many researchers miss. See Reconstructing Ancestors’ Lives with Newspapers by Lisa Cooke posted| Jun 15, 2022 on

Indiana Newspapers on Google News

  1. Google News Archives alphabetical list.
  2. Jose A. Munoz blog lists states and towns whose newspapers were published.
  3. Indiana Digitized Newspapers list by the Indiana Genenealogical Society
  4. The Freeman 1888-1915, Indianapolis, items on African-American residents from across the state.
  5. Taglicher Telegraph [The Daily Telegraph] 1865-1907, German-language weekly published in Indianapolis.

Newspaper Collections

  1. has a Historical Newspaper Collection and
  2. FamilySearch has some information on Indiana Newspapers.
  3. Indiana Farmer 1851-1917 The digital Indiana Farmer gives a rare view of rural Hoosier life from 1851 to 1917. It includes the mechanization of Hoosier agriculture, the founding of Purdue University and the first Indiana State Fair.
  4. Indiana Newspapers on Microfilm at the Indiana Historical Society. A collection more than 1,200 titles comprising of over 9 million pages of Indiana newspapers. More than 19,000 reels of film are available for purchase by the public and libraries for research purposes. Indiana Historical Society Adds Free Access to Indiana Digitized Newspapers published December 20, 2012 on Indiana Genealogical Society blog. The Indiana Historical Society in Indianapolis, in partnership with Newspaper Archive, has added free access to digitized Indiana newspapers for visitors to the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center (located at 450 W. Ohio St. in downtown Indianapolis).
  5. Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection in Indiana Memory

July 21, 2023 post by the Indiana Historical Bureau on Facebook : We’ve been doing a major revamp of our Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection in Indiana Memory! Not only can researchers access all titles available on Hoosier State Chronicles through this collection, but they can also see unique newspapers from the Indiana State Library that have not been digitized anywhere else, such as the Temperance Spontoon, published in Brookville, Indiana in 1854. Learn more here: Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection This image of the October 3, 1854, issue of the Temperance Spontoon is courtesy of the Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection.

  1. New Interactive Map and Timeline Added to Chronicling America July 19, 2022 by Eileen J. Manchester on The Signal blog at The Library of Congress
  2. Chronicling America Has New Features by Mary Lynn Strickland posted July 25, 2022 on South King County Genealogical Society blog.
  3. Finding Your Family in Newspapers: Using Chronicling America for Genealogical Research August 3, 2022 stating it will be available for viewing afterwards in the Library's Event Videos collection.
  4. Newspaper Navigator - Search historic newspaper photos! Explore the visual and textual content within the Chronicling America digitized newspaper collection in new ways using machine learning. Dataset and Search Application now live! The Newspaper Navigator Search Application. This experimental web application allows you to browse over 1.56 million images extracted from the Chronicling America database of digitized historic newspapers using machine learning. Now, you can use this tool to search the images by visual similarity by training your own machine learning classifiers!

January 19, 2024 post by the Heritage Documentation Programs, NPS on Facebook: Hey researchers! Did you know that you can search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1925 online? Yep! "Chronicling America" is a website providing access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages, and is produced by The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). NDNP, a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities and The Library of Congress (LC), is a long-term effort to develop an Internet-based, searchable database of U.S. newspapers with descriptive information and select digitization of historic pages. Learn more at HEARD ABOUT THE HABS/HAER/HALS COLLECTION Conducting research on a historic site, structure, vessel or landscape? Consult the nation's largest archive of historical architectural, engineering, and landscape documentation - the HABS/HAER/HALS Collection - in #historicnewspapers #research #history #historian #newspapers #habshaerhals #historicnewspaper #habshaerhal #researcher #research #historical

February 13, 2024 post by on Facebook: Discover how "unclaimed letter lists" in old newspapers can provide valuable clues when researching your ancestors! Utilizing Unclaimed Letter Lists in the Newspapers

Newspaper Information

  1. search the world's historical newspaper archives
  2. Understanding Terms Found in Historical Newspapers - defines unusual or archaic terms like relict or consort and provides examples from period newspapers by Mary Harrell-Sesniak February 11, 2013 on From Understanding Terms Found in Historical Newspapers April 15, 2013 National Genealogical Society blog .
  3. US newspapers continuing to die at rate of 2 each week by David Bauder published July 1, 2022 by

Page updated: August 10, 2024

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Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana, ACGSI, is web host for Allen INGenWeb.
Allen INGenWeb content, design, and ACGSI social media by Stanley J. Follis.